The Cyber Confessional

I'm inviting people to leave me their secrets. I am composing a sound installation for a public space. It is my intention to collect anonymous secrets to be later recorded and used in the composition. Your secret can be about anything. Your integrity and privacy are my primary concern. I have tweaked the settings so all comments posted in this blog are received stamped 'ANONYMOUS'.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Qui Tacet Consentit

I've been working on the installation with my housemate. We want to find a functional confessional booth, so people have the tactile experience of sitting in one. If none materialise, we may end up building one.

The aims of this project are thus:


I am overwhelmed at how depersonalised our communication has become. We seem to spend more time typing into a PC or a phone than actually looking at someone and talking to them. I don't like it. So it is actually a protest. Your postings are actually a protest to the technolisation of our communication by using that medium itself.


I'm not sure if God is dead or alive. But maybe he has an email address or chat room. Maybe if you come and see the installation (when it's ready), you will be able to chat 'live' to God. The plan is to have a computer in the booth so you can confess to the Almighty via the internet.


My housemate thinks that ASIO have put a bug in his head. So they can monitor him and his seditious colleagues. As a result you will be able to confess your sins to Big Brother and maybe spared the Ministry of Love. The plan is to install some CCTV and have it live streaming to a webpage for the world to see what's happening in the booth. It is in revolt to the current anti-everything laws that are stripping our rights, privileges and need to express ourselves as creative individuals. If we do not speak out about injustice then we are willing accomplices. It is our duty to inform ourselves of injustice and fight to stop it in every way we can.


While this is happening there will be maybe 4 separate channels placed in different parts of the booth. Each will playing a different confession from this blog. They will be out of phase with each other. It will be interesting to see the soundscape that is created from this tactile and interactive installation. So please leave your confessions on this page. I really want to involve as many people as I can. I could just make up confessions myself, but that is undermining the community spirit I'm trying to achieve by overriding the technological desert that seems to be isolating us. Hopefully we can use it to bring us together and break down barriers. Not build them up.



At 10:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

pooop eat the pooooop!!

At 12:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so i dated this aussie guy in summer of 05 and we broke up after a month or so cause i freaked him out by taking him to dinner at my sister's place to meet her and my brother.a week after that he said he didn't want a relationship and because he was honest (i respected that) and i didn't want things to end i suggested we keep "seeing" each other anyway. so we slept together casually till he left and i thought we had this great friends with benefits thing going. i "saw" him two weeks before he was supposed to leave and he said he'd give me a shout before to say goodbye. but he never did and i felt so hurt and niave. i expected to still be treated like a friend and he never even gave me the common courtesy of a goodbye phone call. he had mentioned that he was coming back but i don't believe anything he said now.
after he left i ended up getting drunk with some friends of his that i knew.i went to their house and ended up fooling around with one of them, we didn't sleep together because 1. i wasn't that drunk and was still sober enough to realize you don't "do" your exs friends and 2. because he was too drunk to get it up (lol). so i had to go the the bathroom and the guy said just run across the hall nude, i did and when i was finished i opened the door and there was the other roomate. yup he saw me fully naked. so i grabbed a towel and ran back into the bedroom. i was sooo embarrassed i left before anyone woke up the next morning, but i found out the roomate told everyone (all our mutual friends) that i slept with the other guy.
not so secret after all i guess.

At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm too afraid to tell my girlfriend that I slept with her mum.

My girlfriend was out of town and I went over to her place to pick up my rugby gear. Her mum was a bit sad, still grieving the loss of her husband to leukemia. I was consolling her. A bottle of wine was opened and some food ordered. I was oblivious to it, but looking back at it now...she was seducing me from the moment I walked in the door. Before too long, she managed to seduce me and we were kissing and fondling each other. It felt weird at first, but the feeling was so intense we could not stop. It has happened a few more times. I don't want it to stop, neither does the mom. I'm not sure what to do. I am now in a relationship with my girlfriend whilst having an affair with her mom. And they both live in the same house.

At 4:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

death fucking blooms

At 4:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i shat out a tape worm today ....about 30 cm long would think i would be absouletly disgusted....but i was more relieved i wanted to put it in a glass jar and call it Finnigan ..but that would be fucking twisted i flushed the toliet

At 3:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

annie guess which one is mine ...ha funny it so true...

At 2:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so utterly depressed, though people think i am so happy...i hide it ...i have this sadness in the core of my soul that i do believe will never leave.The lonliness birds are circling my heart and laying stone eggs ...they won't leave...i think i may be crazy, crazy enough to write in a blog from two years ago...crazy...
Is it really the stars and the planets and moons that all come together when you are born and make you make your sign ...your personality? Is it really that i was born in a month that has me be so sensitive, to love, to family, ...that has me be oh i donno...
I see people livin,laughin,lovin and i ...i ...get stuck in my own little world...i escape in my paintins that i create...
i m sick of me i am so sick of me i sick of who i have become ...fake nails perfect...i am disgusted of people who say to me ohh your so beautiful...i wonder how how can they say that? Do they see beauty in sorrow? Or is everyone just as messed up as i?
i wanna go home... i wanna go back to my home to where i sit and watch the ocean for hours where the sunsets are most likey more glorious then heaven it self...
i must go home and find myself again...


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